About Us

From Left to right: Chief Running Bear, Chief Daniel Castro with Apache Nation, Chief Akil Ali, Chief Perryman, Former Senator of Oklahoma Anastasia Pittman and Chief "Dub" Warrior

Akil A. Ali is a descendant of the ancient Moroccans born in America 1962 on Turtle Island. Alice Scott, his Grandmother, who is his Father's mother, was full blood Cherokee. She was born in South Carolina around 1900. Chief Akil has been uniting many of the Original people and Tribes to come together as a unit, to affect change in our communities as well as the world. His dedication to excellence and keen spiritual insight has shown in his leadership qualities as Plenipotentiary since 2010.
“Since a child, I’ve had the vision of seeing the Original people come together in unity and strength of purpose. I give honor to the Great Spirit and my Ancestors for directing my steps in helping to be a conduit of positive change, not only for my people but for humanity at large. With the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, let us form one body, one heart, we can all play a role in helping uplift fallen humanity.”